March 2022


Lonely man holding face

The slap heard around the world

There’s a room in a man’s heart. Inside, a lone chair with a small circular table off to one side. Most men – when no one is looking – are sitting in that chair in that room with the door closed holding their face between their palms and sighing. Inside their room minds, a spider […]

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Motorcycle at Sunset with camping gear

Doing Impossible Things

Doing impossible things About four years ago, I came across an article online about people who were crossing America off road on motorcycles. The kinds of motorcycles you saw in ‘Mad Max’ movies, as opposed to something James Dean would drive, or Paulie from ‘American Choppers.’ Adventure motorcycles that were designed to go on and […]

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Stress is good, and necessary.

Stress, stretchy pants, and mutation One of the tenets of Enlytened – is fitness. Having a sense of wellbeing in relation to your body. I’ve always struggled with fitness and didn’t exactly inherit the Dwayne Johnson genes from the deeper end of my families genetic pool. I like most people that struggle, have my bigger […]

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